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    dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]


    Zodiac : Taur Mesaje : 553
    Data de inscriere : 08/04/2013
    Varsta : 26
    Localizare : Brasov

    dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM] Empty dproto 0.9.87 [Protocol 47+48 STEAM - NONSTEAM]

    Mesaj Scris de BogdanYoYo Vin Noi 01, 2013 10:33 am

    ^"][size=150]Ce este dproto ?[/size]

    dproto v0.9.87 este un plugin metamod facut de Crock care permite conexiuni pe server de la utilizatorii de CS Protocol 47 + 48, Steam + NonSteam.

    [+] Serverul apare cu succes la [Internet] si [Favorites]
    [+] Arata iconitele jucatorilor cu STEAM.
    [+] Functioneaza cu ultima versiune de swds.dll

    [size=150]Download dproto [/size]
    Download: [download][/download]

    MesajTrimis: 07-07-2009, 00:26:56 Răspunde cu citat (quote)
    Ce este dproto ? / What is dproto ?
    dproto v0.9.87 este un plugin metamod facut de Crock care permite conexiuni pe server de la utilizatorii de CS Protocol 47 + 48, Steam + NonSteam.

    [+] Serverul apare cu succes la [Internet] si [Favorites]
    [+] Arata iconitele jucatorilor cu STEAM.
    [+] Functioneaza cu ultima versiune de swds.dll

    Download dproto
    Download: (149.77 KB, 55378 downloads, adaugat 06-11-2010)
    Fixed steamid generation for Steamclient 2009
    Fixed: VAC Status was always "protected" on Windows servers.
    Moved all options to configure fakeplayers detector to dproto.cfg
    Update sample amxx plugins.
    Added quick fix for vulnerability in netchan's fragment parser
    Enhanced detection of fakeplayers (against Argentinian haxxxorz)
    Improvements/bugfixes in fakeplayers/packet flood detection code
    AMXX API and example plugins updated
    Fixed bug with cid_AVSMP, it was always 1
    Added useful commands for threats monitoring, check Readme.txt
    bugfix, bugfix, bugfix, bugfix....
    Added support for AVSMP clients
    fix for random svc_bads on connect
    proper bots detection method in fakeplayers detector
    fixed problems with AMD engines
    fixed hybrid answer mode
    fakeplayers detector won't kick and ban bots anymore
    fixed crash when working with bans DB (banid)
    fix in new revEmu auth code
    (untested) "The VAC problem" (when VAC banned clients are able to join server) should be fixed.
    Source code will not be available anymore.
    added option (HLTVExcept_IP) to allow HLTVs from specified address to join the server even if cid_HLTV is 5 (deprectated). May be useful if you using HLTVReport plugin, but you dont want to allow another HLTVs to join your server.
    added protection against flooding server with connectionless (PlayerList, ServerInfo, Rules) queries.
    added 2-level protection against all kinds of fake players
    added config options to set first prefix of steamid for clients. For example, revEmu clients may be marked as STEAM_4_0_xx
    added support for new revEmu/SteamClient2009 clients
    added support for latest linux engine.
    project moved to new versioning system; version format for now is MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION
    fixed buffer overflow vulnerability in SV_ParseCvarValue2()
    fixed crash for linux servers, when server started as unprivileged user that not able to write to server root directory.
    fixed problem with dropping clients with "Unknown HLTV Type" message
    fix in anti-svc_bad code, it should work fine now
    fixed: old WON clients (CS patch 21 and lower) unable to join server
    fixed NET_SendPacket error that appears when server tried to drop deprecated client
    implemented fix for "Server failed to transmit file AY&SY" kind of svc_bad's
    UTF8 Chat/Nicknames support completely removed (will add it to another plugin)
    Userinfo filter removed because it does not needed anymore (it was a temporary fix for svc_bad's)
    added separate AuthProvider (dp_r_id_provider cvar) constant for HLTV (check amxx/dp_test.sma)
    fixed GameNameChanger plugins under Windows.
    There are a lot of changes in dproto.cfg. Old configs won't work with this version.

    Versiuni mai vechi gasiti la

    [size=150]Cum se instaleaza dproto [/size]
    - Faceti NEAPARAT un update la engine-urile serverului:
    Cum faceti update-ul? Dati click pe Start, Run si scrieti cmd in casuta. Intrati in folderul vostru unde este instalat serverul si dati urmatoarele comenzi:

    hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game valve -dir . -verify_all
    asteptati sa se termine apoi dati si

    hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game cstrike -dir . -verify_all

    ./steam -command update -game valve -dir . -verify_all
    asteptati sa se termine apoi dati si

    ./steam -command update -game cstrike -dir . -verify_all

    - Intrati in /cstrike/addons/
    - Creati un folder numit 'dproto'

    - Copiati fisierul -(linux) sau dproto.dll -(windows) din arhiva, in HLDS/csrike/addons/dropto/

    - Intrati in HLDS/cstrike/addons/metamod/
    - Deschideti plugins.ini si adaugati pentru Windows:

    win32  addons\dproto\dproto.dll
    Pentru linux adaugati:

    linux addons/dproto/

    - Copiati din arhiva fisierul dproto.cfg in /cstrike/dproto.cfg
    - Adaugati in server.cfg linia

    exec dproto.cfg
    - Gata.

      Data/ora curentă este: Dum Iul 07, 2024 7:33 am